Using OpenDistro Kibana with "not OpenDistro" Elasticsearch

Is it possible to use Open Distro version of Kibana with Free Elasticsearch directly from elastic?
I mean - I have a running elasticsearch 6.7.0 cluster right now and I would like to try and connect OpenDistro Kibana to it - is that possible ? :slight_smile:

Yes - but the versions are tightly coupled with the version of ES (which is true of all plugins). We are looking to add 6.6 support as soon as next week and will likely have a 6.7 release shortly.

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We released support of Elasticsearch 6.6.2 last Friday: Open Distro for Elasticsearch 0.8.0 is now available

Stay tuned for 6.7.1 version support soon.

Hi ,

I am running 2 node elasticsearch 7.1.1 cluster downloaded from elastic in unbutu 14.04 (java 8) system envinorment
can I use the only opendistro kibana for it?

please some one clarify it.

Hi @vamsi_vutukuri, you can, but it’ll take some work. ODFE Kibana contains two plugins, Security and Alerting, both of which rely on their corresponding Elasticsearch plugins being installed on the cluster. If you want to use ODFE Kibana, you have to either uninstall the two Kibana plugins (which defeats the point of using ODFE Kibana) or install the two Elasticsearch plugins.

We haven’t tested on Ubuntu 14.04, but I suspect you could probably get it to work.