Opensearch dashboards 2.3.0 region maps not working

Hi Vijay,
My issue is with the US maps in the online visualization tool. Are you looking at this issue as well?

Hi @PBeckDraftrs ,
Sorry for responding late. If you change the data format to US-CA, it should work. Can you share which version of OpenSearch and Dashboards are you using? I will try to reproduce.

@tejashu Apologies for responding late. We will be working on that bug fix and you can track progress in linked github issue. Currently it is scheduled to be fixed by 2.6.

Thanks, Vijay. In “Index Patterns”, I did a ‘static lookup’ to change "CA to “US-CA”, etc, and it did not work. I am using the online dashboard, not the downloaded software. It says v 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT in the drop down menu.

Thanks for your response - I am just learning the software so apologies if I am not doing something correctly.

Hi @Vijay ,

Would this issue be backported to 2.3.0?
Or would it be available only in 2.6.0 onwards?

Please let us know your opinion,

Hi @Vijay ,

I see there is a limit introduced for the number of features to 10K.

Does this mean we cant import features with more than 10K.

I have a use case with USA zip codes and the features of USA zip code comes up to 34K.

How can we proceed for this use case?
Please let me know your feedback or suggestion.


Hi @tejashu
This is available only from 2.6.0 onwards. I don’t think there is a patch version scheduled below 2.6.0. hence we haven’t back ported the fix.

Hi @tejashu
You are right. We will be supporting up to 10K features. This API is used by region maps to upload GeoJSON which can show up to 10k features later. Do you have a use case where you use these GeoJson outside region maps?

Hi @Vijay ,
I do not have any other use case other than region maps.
If it is limited to 10K features then how is it possible to map the zip codes of US.
You have any workaround/solution for it. Could you please give your feedback,

Since the delivered region map does not cover the US zip code, this is a gap in our implementation as well. With a limit of 10K, it cannot serve the feature. US has close to 40k+ zip codes. Is there an options for us to upload multiple chunks of 10k and fill all the 40K+ needed?

Hi @tejashu , @shamzeeros
Sorry to respond late. Region map does external join inside browser to map geojson between indices. Hence the limit is added mainly to avoid joining more than 10k records from geojson index with non-geospatial index.

Have you considered breaking up your files into multiple files and create multiple maps?

if that is not possible, please let me know i can provide more information on how to upload geojson files in chunks using backend API or how you can build your own pipeline to ingest using GeoJSON processor to transform GeoJSON into Documents.

Hi @Vijay ,

Thank you for your Feedback.

I tried adding multiple files and created multiple maps. but for visualization of Region map we would be able to select only one map at a time.

So is there way to map data to different maps created.
Or is there a way we could add 10k more features to the same map that is indexed. Or is it possible to merge the different maps together to a single map.
Please provide your suggestion on how we can resolve this for zip codes.


Unfortunately there is no way to select multiple index at this moment. I created an issue [FEATURE] Add USA zip code as part of default vector map in region maps ¡ Issue #40 ¡ opensearch-project/maps ¡ GitHub to add support to USA Zip code to existing default vector map.

In the meantime you can use backend API to upload documents to same index like below, but i am very skeptical that you will be able to load all 33k features in Region map.

curl -X PUT http://localhost:9200/_plugins/geospatial/geojson/_upload --data @upload-geojson.json -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

  "index" : "departments-map",
  "field" : "location",
  "type" : "geo_shape",
  "data" : [
  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [74, 40.71]
  "properties": {
    "name": "Barents sea location"

In successive calls, change only the data value with next 10k features

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Hi @Vijay ,

Thanks for the information shared.

I tried the backend API and loaded around 15K features.
It worked fine when I loaded up to 9.8k features but later on it did not map correctly. It mapped some and did not map some.
Thanks for creating the bug to include the USA zip codes in the default vector maps.
Is there any ETA or which release this would be handled in?

Once again thank you for your support.


@tejashu Can you add +1 to the github issue? This will definitely help us to prioritize.