Opensearch-dashboards Region Maps for US State and zip codes not showing

Could you please let me know if the Opensearch-dashboards for region maps is not rendering the data for US-states but is able to do for countries.
It was working fine in Kibana7.10.0. Could you please let me know if there is some setting needed to be changed for opensearch-dashboards.

Thanks in advance

Hi @tejashu, if you would like to use USA state in region maps, you can

  1. Enter region maps visualization
  2. On the right side click into “layer options” tab
  3. In “Vector map” option, select “Usa states”
  4. Click update button

Then you are able to use it with data visualization. Thanks.

Hi junqiu,
I tried it but it did not work for me.
Hence i posted the question.

Hi Tejas, my above reply is the general process to use USA state region map. Could you provide more details about your issue? Any reproduce step/screenshot/error message can be helpful.


Unable to show 5 results on map

Ensure that each of these term matches a shape on that shape’s join field: California, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, No Value

This is the error I’m getting

The below error is shown when i give STATE-codes.
The layer option are USA states and join field is fips

Unable to show 5 results on map

Ensure that each of these term matches a shape on that shape’s join field: , CA, FL, IN, KY


@tejashu This usually happens if the joining fields from USA states and index pattern don’t have common values. You can find Usa states geoJson from here

For example:
Let’s say i am have an index with US national parks like below, and i want to project this on to region maps.

POST /national_parks/_bulk?refresh
{"name": "Yellowstone National Park", "location": "Wyoming"}
{"name": "Yosemite National Park", "location": "California"}
{"name": "Zion National Park", "location": "Utah"}

My Region map configuration will look like this:

and i can see output as

You can check USA States GeoJSON features and select the field that can be joined with your dataset.

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I wanted to know if there was any geojson for USA zip codes(postal codes) which was available as default in Elasticsearch 7.10.2

any help would be appreciated.


Can you please let us know about the fix to this issue?