Map Visualizations in OpenSearch Dashboards

Hi everyone,

I am wondering whether the coordinate map feature in OpenSearch Dashboards is the same as in Kibana v 7.10.2? I am currently using Opendistro and ELK 7.10.2 and this (Precision does not automatically update when zooming on coordinate map on a dashboard · Issue #74714 · elastic/kibana · GitHub) bug in the coordinate maps causes some problems. Do you know if the bug exists in OpenSearch Dashboards as well? This bug looks like a similar one: [BUG] Zoom scaling icons on maps incorrectly · Issue #1349 · opensearch-project/OpenSearch-Dashboards · GitHub

Is there a feature similar to “Maps” in Kibana 8.0+ on the roadmap of OpenSearch Dashboards?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards

Hi @adam yes you are right. Coordinate map feature in OpenSearch Dashboards is the same as in Kibana v 7.10.2.

Do you know if the bug exists in OpenSearch Dashboards as well?

Thanks for bringing this up. We will validate and get back on this thread. Can we create Github issue on Maps repo as well GitHub - opensearch-project/maps: Maps resources for OpenSearch

Is there a feature similar to “Maps” in Kibana 8.0+ on the roadmap of OpenSearch Dashboards?

We are still in discussions about merging coordinate and regional maps as layers. We will keep you posted on the roadmap. We will create roadmap items on Maps repo.

Hi @vamshin and thanks for your quick response!

I didn’t want to create an issue in Github because I wasn’t sure whether it is exactly the same feature. So I decided to ask a question here :slight_smile: If you want I can create an issue with the details of how I experience the bug, but that is in Kibana 7.10.2 and not OpenSearch Dashboards…

I am looking forward to follow the development of this awesome product!

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Got it. We will get back on repro the issue on opensearch dashboard. @junqiu will be taking look.

If possible could you point us the reproduction steps of the issue, so we can take quick look on dashboards

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Reproduction steps in Opendistro with ELK 7.10.2:

  1. create index with mapping:
"mappings": {
  "properties": {
    "location": {
      "type": "geo_point"
  1. index data to end up with ~100 documents with data such as this:
"_source" : {
  "some_data" : 92.47,
  "date" : "2022-03-10T09:33:28",
  "location" : "40.450655,11.510062"
  1. create a coordinate map visualization of the data and end up with something like this:!(),refreshInterval:(pause:!t,value:0),time:(from:now-15m,to:now))&_a=(filters:!(),linked:!f,query:(language:kuery,query:''),uiState:(mapCenter:!(45.44664375276735,10.377960205078125),mapZoom:11),vis:(aggs:!((enabled:!t,id:'1',params:(field:some_data),schema:metric,type:max),(enabled:!t,id:'2',params:(autoPrecision:!t,field:location,isFilteredByCollar:!t,precision:2,useGeocentroid:!t),schema:segment,type:geohash_grid)),params:(addTooltip:!t,colorSchema:'Yellow%20to%20Red',heatClusterSize:1.5,isDesaturated:!t,legendPosition:bottomright,mapCenter:!(0,0),mapType:'Scaled%20Circle%20Markers',mapZoom:2,wms:(enabled:!f,options:(attribution:'',format:image%2Fpng,layers:'',styles:'',transparent:!t,version:''),selectedTmsLayer:(attribution:'%26lt;p%26gt;Map%20tiles%20by%20%26lt;a%20href%3D%26quot;;%26gt;Stamen%20Design%26lt;%2Fa%26gt;,%20under%20%26lt;a%20href%3D%26quot;;%26gt;CC%20BY%203.0%26lt;%2Fa%26gt;.%20Data%20by%20%26lt;a%20href%3D%26quot;;%26gt;OpenStreetMap%26lt;%2Fa%26gt;,%20under%20ODbL(%26lt;a%20href%3D%26quot;;%26gt;;%2Fa%26gt;).%26lt;%2Fp%26gt;%0A',id:'TMS%20in%20config%2Fkibana.yml',maxZoom:24,minZoom:0,origin:self_hosted,url:''),url:'')),title:demo_map_stamen,type:tile_map))
  1. Add the visualization to a dashboard, save it, and start trying to zoom in and out:

    click “+” once and get the image in my next comment (I am limited to one image per reply).

I hope that my description is understandable!


Hi @adam I tested the coordinate map on OpenSearch Dashboard 1.2.4 and not able to find the similar issue, let me know if you will meet the bug when you use OpenSearch. Thanks!



Is there a feature similar to “Maps” in Kibana 8.0+ on the roadmap of OpenSearch Dashboards?

Just to let you know there is an OSD plugin (transform viz) that can be used to display maps.
See community page Community Projects · OpenSearch and GitHub - lguillaud/osd_transform_vis: OpenSearch-Dashboards plugin to create custom visualisations (sample maps available).



Hi @junqiu, thanks for testing! I decided to try it out in OpenSearch v 1.3.1 to verify it with the same data. Unfortunately, I experience the same bug in the coordinate map :frowning:

It seems to be the same bug as reported in Kibana, that the precision is set to 2 while zooming out and stays fixed at 2, even when one zooms back in.

Should I create an issue in Github?

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Hi @adam, I am sorry that you still got the same bug on OpenSearch. It would be great helpful if you can create an issue on Maps repo Issues · opensearch-project/maps · GitHub and then we can follow up there. Thanks!

Hi @junqiu , thanks for the quick response. Here’s the issue: [BUG] Precision does not automatically update when zooming on coordinate map on a dashboard · Issue #11 · opensearch-project/maps (

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On github they claim the problem with precision on map in Dashboards will be resolved in OpenSearch 2.6.0, issued in February 2023 but I am using 2.10 version and the problem is still there