Installing and uninstalling of plugins in open dashboard

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):

Open search 2.12.0
Chrome browser
Windows 10.
Running opendashboard inside docker.

Describe the issue:

I am new to open search and want to learn on how to install and uninstall plugins in opensearch dashboard. I am not able to find proper guide or instructions to do so.
I am able to see few plugins like alerting, ML already installed with docker. If i go to dev tools and run command get _plugins i can see more plugins. How do i install few of them like sql plugin or remove alert plugin.
I am looking for a proper guide or commands to do this considering i am running opensearch via docker on win 10.
Lot of tutorials was on linux so wasn’t working for me


I have opensearch dashboard running inside docker on windows 10. I used docker-compose.yml available on the opensearch website to get started with opensearch.

Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

Thanks for help in advance.

Hey @superscientist

I assume you used this command

GET _cat/plugins

Once yo get the list of plugins you can use the DELETE command either to remove them all or just one. I would have to look at the documentation for the exact command.

@Gsmitt but how do i install the specific plugin? that command just list plugins, cannot find the right command to install it.

@superscientist I think you need to consider Dockerfile and opensearch-dashboads install <plugin-name> command to build an image with extra plugins.
Alternatively, you could build the docker image and push it to the docker hub or local repository.

In the docker-compose, you can point to existing docker images

    image: opensearchproject/opensearch:<OS_version>
    container_name: opensearch-node1_<OS_version>

or point each service to the Dockerfile

      context: <folder_with_Dockerfile>/

and initiate image build during the docker-compose startup.