Search application builders: How can OpenSearch better support you?

OpenSearch is looking for builders of search applications to participate in a new study. We are particularly interested in builders who are tuning search systems for result quality or relevance. If you build systems that search documentation collections, product catalogs, or websites or build specialized searches for company or geographic data, we would love for you to participate! Your experience can be with any search application.

We are not currently looking for users responsible only for operational issues, such as cluster sizing, reliability/redundancy, and so on, which will be the focus of an upcoming study.

If you’d like to participate in the study, we’ll ask you to join an hour-long deep-dive session. During the deep-dive session, the research team will ask you to describe your data, team setup, the tools you use, and the typical process that you follow as well as your business goals, what works well, and what needs improvement. We’ll ask you how the system could better support your non-technical business partners and your work.

If you are interested in taking part, send us some basic information on your search use case and the best way to contact you. The anonymized results will be shared with the community.


thanks @apasun - hope our community members give some feedback for this!

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@macrakis and @markcohen look forward to user sign ups!

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Thanks @apasun. Looking forward to hear from search application builders!

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Question about the interview, obviously waiving the fee sticked on the board.
We are currently building multiple search applications on top of Opensearch amongst other things.
However, we are unable to divulge information which moves over anything lower than high level details and specific issues. Would that be OK?
The platform seems amazing as far as outreach goes, but we are a bit worried concerning restricted information.

Just wanted to say it’s an amazing initiative nonetheless, and hopeful you’ll get to sit with many people in actual business use, even if it includes privileged information.


That would be great. We are happy to have as much information as you are comfortable/allowed to provide.

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