"Remember my selection next time I log in from this device." not working


“Remember my selection next time I log in from this device.” doesn’t seem to be working as it is intended. We have a multi-tenet ELK setup and when a user set a tenant and click on the remember preference checkbox it still takes back the user to global tenet each time they login or refresh the session(page reload on session expiry).

Steps to reproduce:

Create more than one tenant
Enable multitenancy on Kibana
Login to Kibana (in our case, using SSO)
Select a any tenant other than Global
Select “Remember my selection next time I log in from this device.”
Wait until session expires
Reload the page

OpenDistro’s ElasticSearch+Kibana version 1.13.2

This just sounds like a bug. Happy to fix it in OpenSearch, want to open an issue in GitHub - opensearch-project/OpenSearch-Dashboards: 📊 Open source visualization dashboards for OpenSearch.?