Hi everyone,
I am trying to install ODFE using the latest tarball available on the official website.
I followed these steps (Tarball - Open Distro Documentation) up until Step 4. logged into the linux server with my personal login (not root).
When I attempt to run Step 5 (run ./opendistro-tar-install.sh) I was seeing issues such as ‘can not run elastic search as root’.
I then read about creating a new user ‘elasticsearch’ and giving that user ownership so I went ahead and created user ‘elasticsearch’. I wasn’t sure what files to give ‘elasticsearch’ ownership to so I did chown to the ./opendistro-tar-install.sh file itself and then switched user to ‘elasticsearch’ (using command: su elasticsearch’) and tried running ./opendistro-tar-install.sh in the same directory. I am seeing less errors but during processing I’m still seeing ‘Permission denied’ for folders like opendistroforelasticsearch-1.10.1/config/elasticsearch.yml and opendistroforelasticsearch-1.10.1/config/kirk.pem
Am I supposed to also change the ownership of these files to ‘elasticsearch’ using chown command as well? They are currently owned by root.
Please see the following screenshot:
If anyone has experienced this with the tarball installation guide or may have any suggestions in general, please feel free to comment.