We currently run elasticsearch opendistro on Windows server 2019. We were looking to move into Opensearch but I have yet to see the same support provided for Windows as was provided in Elasticsearch opendistro. Anything would be helpful thank you.
Windows support for OpenSearch is not on the roadmap until 1.3.0 (Jan 25).
Thank you for the reply!
There’s a dozen low hanging fruit issues known and that will need to be addressed to produce a proper native Windows distribution, starting with .bat quickstarts, which I think are a great way to learn your way around OpenSearch. If anyone is looking to contribute, start at [Meta] OpenSearch / OpenSearch Dashboards - Windows distribution (X64) · Issue #33 · opensearch-project/opensearch-build · GitHub.
Thank you, I wish I knew java more and could help out
As far as the .bat quick starts what needs to be done there? Not sure what I could help with who would I talk to?
@ghostintheESXi I would say [Bug]: Windows build packages opensearch-tar-install.sh · Issue #828 · opensearch-project/opensearch-build · GitHub and Add a script that generates a demo configuration on Windows · Issue #1476 · opensearch-project/security · GitHub are good places to start.
Thank you for the reply. I will review this.