Describe the issue:
I’m trying to see if I could implement any streaming technologies to stream data like logs, so that server could send data immediately to some visualization components, instead of user having to wait long time to visualize the data for longer time ranges.
If yes, can you show me how server side code changes are done to support the connections along with the http service that supports role based access and authentication.
Hey @haprabhakar , the streaming support is in the work right now, follow please [1], at this moment the focus is to have:
transport that supports streaming
implement streaming support for server side actions
implement streaming support for clients
The 1st phase is mostly complete, and the work on 2nd phase is about to start. Please note, at this point the implementation would be using only HTTP chunking (HTTP/2 streams for 3.0.0), but with these pieces in place, SSE or Websockets support could be implemented.
Hey @reta , Thanks for the quick reply. It is very interesting to know the community is working towards the streaming support, which would be highly beneficial for multiple use cases.
Could you please provide an approximate timeline for when this feature might be available (the HTTP chunking part)? Any rough estimate would be greatly appreciated.