Export OpenSearch Dashboard Report into CSV file

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser): 2.14.0

Describe the issue: I currently utilize the OpenSearch Dashboard to generate and review report visualizations for our product. These reports are then converted to PDF format and distributed to our clients via email, facilitated by Puppeteer within a C# application.

However, our clients have expressed a desire to receive these reports in CSV or plain text format. Is there a method available to export the OpenSearch Dashboard reports directly into CSV format, which can then be seamlessly integrated into our email delivery system in the C# application?

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@VijayKansagara Have you tried this Opensearch Reporting CLI tool?

Actually, my intention is to craft reports through a C# library and then distribute them to clients via email. Is it possible to generate reports using C# library?
Additionally, OpenSearch Reporting CLI tool, which relies on Amazon SES for email delivery, I plan to compile the reports into a CSV format and use own SMTP protocol to send the email.