Creating csv reports summarizing an index

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser): OpenSearch 2.5.0. / Dashboard 2.5.0

Describe the issue:

I would like to create reports as csv files that contain a summary of my index. Specifically I need the number of events in a given time period and the number of events for specific values of fields, but no detail of the events themselves. However, I did not find a way to configure Discover or a report to count events. Sadly, I need the results in a machine-readable format and visualizations (using a Dashboard for reports, for example) do not work for me as they only allow .png or .pdf reports. Is there any way to achieve such a report? Do I need to set up a different index to record/summarize event numbers?

Thanks a lot for your help,

Since you want it machine readable, you would be better off just using the Dev Tools of OpenSearch Dashboards to run a query that will give you that information. The output will be in JSON format.

Thank you a lot for your answer and I am very sorry to reply so late. I am looking for a solution that can be used by “frontend-only” users that want to retrieve data to use in Excel and such. I explored the option to write a different index containin summarized data and that might be a solution for my problem. Thank you again!

Christine, the easiest frontend-only solution would be to use Data Table visualizations where rows are split by criteria of the event you would like to count. I just tried this on the Playground (clicking the link would show you the visualization I made); the only challenge would be choosing the split row bucket’s size limit that makes sense to your usecase.

PS, it is easy to miss but there are page numbers at the bottom of the screen to see all the data. There is also a tiny download button on the top left of the table to export as CSV.

Hi and thanks for your answer! I did not realize that the Data Table visualizations have an export to csv feature, this helps a lot. I’ll need to try that and see what fits my data best.