Cannot Inspect dashboards, visualizations, or other objects from Saved Objects List

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
Opensearch-Dashboards 2.18
Opensearch 2.18
Chrome browser

Describe the issue:

Clicking the Inspect button for a saved object generates an http/404 for the URL

Example (a saved dashboard):
https://serveraddress/opensrch/management/opensearch-dashboards/objects/savedDashboards/<UUID of saved object>

{"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"Not Found"}

The dashboard, visualization, etc. appears to otherwise load and function normally when loaded from the Dashboards or Visualization lists or a bookmarked URL.

This occurs for both global and private tenants.
The user has the “all_access” role via the security plugin.


Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

Hi @jaimie.livingston,

Have you checked the below, is this what you are experiencing?


Yes. Yes, it is.

Thank you.
