Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
2.15 (also tested in 2.18)
Describe the issue:
- In Dashboards Management → Saved objects, I import a saved search (type=observability-search) with an ID that is not a UUID
- I set the ID to a string to make the URL for the search more user-friendly
- This works, however when I click on the saved object My Saved Search, I get an error on the next screen (the Log Explorer)
- It shows an error saying, “Cannot get saved data for object id: observability-search:MySavedSearch”
If I change the ID to a UUID, everything works like expected.
Relevant Logs or Screenshots:
API Error
"msg": "[status_exception] ObservabilityObject observability-search:MySavedSearch not found",
"path": "/_plugins/_observability/object",
"query": {
"objectId": "observability-search:MySavedSearch"
"statusCode": 404,
"response": "{\"error\":{\"root_cause\":[{\"type\":\"status_exception\",\"reason\":\"ObservabilityObject observability-search:MySavedSearch not found\"}],\"type\":\"status_exception\",\"reason\":\"ObservabilityObject observability-search:MySavedSearch not found\"},\"status\":404}"