Problem with inspect option

Dear all,
I have upgraded OpenSearch application from 2.6 to 2.9 version.
In version 2.6 I have created for our application inside the discover window some searches for info, error and warning logs. This searches I also put inside the dashboard and after the upgrade to version 2.9 inspect option is not working for searches. For another panels it is working. It looks like this:


On version 2.6 it is working. Do you have any idea if it is some kind of bug or I messed up something during the upgrade?

Thanks :slight_smile:


Marian, sadly the image doesn’t provide enough details to think of possibilities; I am not even sure what I am looking at. Can you see if the browser’s console shows any errors?

@AMoo-Miki Just to clarify the reported issue.
In OpenSearch Dashboards 2.6 when you add a saved search to the dashboard you can inspect it.

In OpenSearch Dashboards 2.9, the same options for saved search in the dashboard are empty. It works for other visualisations.

@majjo I think this is a bug and you should report it in OpenSearch Dashboards Github.

Once you create a bug, please share the link here.

Hello, I have already informed OpenSearch Dashboard GitHub regarding the issue:


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