Xpack plugin with Basic license + Open Distro plugins

Hi All,

I know this is a weird question. As xpack basic provides lot of features some of which is still not available in open distro. Can we selectively install open distro plugins and selectively enable xpack plugin features that are available as part of basic license to get the best of both worlds.

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I would like to know the answer to this as well. Specifically, I want to be able to use cosineSimilarity in a script, as the KNN functionality does not provide the flexibility I require.

opendistro is built based on elastic OSS package which doesn’t have any x-pack plugin. you can try to either install the x-pack plugin with opendistro released distributions, or install the opendistro standalone plugins with elastic non-OSS distribution. see the opendistro plugin page: Standalone Elasticsearch Plugin Install - Open Distro Documentation

Is it possible to install the Elastic X-pack like cosineSimilarity function on the AWS-managed Opendistro version of ES? That link you sent only mentions the AWS plug-ins.

One of my developers is interested in X-Packs “Ingest Manager” specifically - - so I would be interested in IF an AWS variant is on the roadmap OR is there is someway to install “Ingest Manager” into a pure OpenDistro install of ES/Kibana - - Thanks in advance - BonWier