I am trying to run one Master node (with node.data set to false) and one node (with node.data set to true) on the same server. I have copied below directories and renamed it to ‘elasticserach01’ to run second instance of elastic search. I have also updated required configuration files accordingly to run the second instance of elasticserach.
Even after making the above changes, I am still unable to run the second instance of elasticsearch on the same server. I did refer to some of the blogs and forums to create multuple instances of elasticsearchon the same server, however, I did not find any posible solution to my problem.
Below are couple of links that I refered to.
- Create multiple nodes elasticsearch 5.4 - #15 by hasan_sharekhan - Elasticsearch - Discuss the Elastic Stack
- Can I run multiple Elasticsearch nodes on the same machine? - Elasticsearch - Discuss the Elastic Stack
Any help or suggestion are really appreciated.
Oh wait!! Did I mention that I am a baby when it comes to this technology. I am still learning and trying to understand this new tool to help my company to monitor real time transactions of applications and do some log analysis.
Wish there was option to attach files
Thank you.