New Tenant on same cluster showing error while for visualizations and dashboard

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):


Describe the issue:

New Tenant on same cluster showing error while for visualizations and dashboard.

“To visualize and explore data in OpenSearch Dashboards, you must create an index pattern to retrieve data from OpenSearch”

same role provided to user with Read permissions to tenant

Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

Do we need to again create new index pattern and visualization dashboard on new tenant too?

for multitenancy?

Hi @amolusare,

Have you tried creating an index pattern on a new tenant and did it work for you?


@Mantas Yes, created index pattern and it worked. but then do we need to create again visualization dashboard on there?

why it not carries all data and access on other tenant for same role and access?

@Mantas ??

This is per design so that you can safely share your OpenSearch Dashboard objects, such as index patterns, visualizations, dashboards, etc. (to access the object you need to be in the correct “space” and have enough permissions (cluster, index and tenant level)).

If you want to share objects globally, you can use Global Tenant.

To access the index pattern of a “tenancy” you need to be in that tenancy with enough permissions.

Please see more here:
