I installed 1 Kibana instance on a server and I would like to install another identical Kibana instance on a 2nd server for high availability.
For the installation I am using the opendistroforelasticsearch-kibana-1.13.2-1.x86_64 RPM package on a CentOS 7 server.
Kibana config :
server.name: kibanalog01
server.port: 5601
- https://elasprod01:9200
- https://elasprod02:9200
elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: none
elasticsearch.username: kibanaserver
elasticsearch.password: XXXX
elasticsearch.requestHeadersWhitelist: [“securitytenant”,“Authorization”]
opendistro_security.multitenancy.enabled: true
opendistro_security.multitenancy.tenants.preferred: [“Private”, “Global”]
opendistro_security.readonly_mode.roles: [“kibana_read_only”]
opendistro_security.cookie.secure: false
newsfeed.enabled: false
telemetry.optIn: false
telemetry.enabled: false
security.showInsecureClusterWarning: false
map.includeElasticMapsService: false
Questions :
What are the configuration parameters to modify to allow the execution of 2 Kibana instances using opendistro distribution ?
Do I need to configure the server.uuid parameter or equivalent parameters to xpack.security.encryptionKey or xpack.reporting.encryptionKey as shown in the doc: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en /kibana/current/production.html#load-balancing-kibana?
Thanks and regards,