Mapping refresh isn't working

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
OpenSearch - v2.11.0

Describe the issue:
fields are showing as unindexed and its suggesting to refresh the index pattern but when I perform a refresh it still showing as unindexed.


Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

Hey @Jamaal

You went to your index pattern that corresponds to this issue and click “Refresh field list” button.

Did you try reloading web page by chance.

Yes I even tried logging out and back in.

Hey @Jamaal

Not sure what’s going on but I did find this post it look something like your issue.

Also I found this, Not sure if you tried restarting OS/OSD service after the refresh.
I found this idea here

EDIT: I forgot to ask, is that index dynamic mapping or static mapping?

You need to refresh the index pattern not the index as seen in your screenshot.

Dashboard Management → Index Patterns → Click on the relevant pattern and hit the refresh button.

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