Kibana Autocomplete

After general research, it appears the Kibana Autocomplete feature was removed from the kibana open source since 6.4,and therefore is not available.
I’d just like to point our that the feature is extremely helpful and important in the usage of kibana, and has allowed our clients to use it freely, instead of having to memorize each and every key.
Is support for it planned in opendistro? A separate plugin perhaps? Or is it considered unimportant?
If that is the case, a stop gap solution would be to increase the filter window size in the upper toolbar, since it got massively decrease with Kibana 7.0 and is now barely usable in comparison with the Filter bar+Autocomplete

Hi @hagayg, definitely, the removal of autocomplete from Kibana OSS was something we noticed shortly after it happened, and it has a negative day-to-day impact on the user experience. These sorts of changes and the general confusion around what is and isn’t open source were a factor in the creation of ODFE.

So we’re aware of the issue and definitely consider it important, but as far as I know, re-implementing the autocomplete feature isn’t on our immediate roadmap. I’ve added a issue in the community repository so that it doesn’t get lost: Add autocomplete feature to Kibana · Issue #131 · opendistro-for-elasticsearch/sample-code · GitHub

How about the stopgap solution suggested? As of now, there really is no practical solution if you happen to have long term names, since the filter window is so small. Our clients actually have to hover over each entry in order to discern it.
After quite a while lot of checking, we couldn’t even find the olace in the source that changes the size of that ui element, since the general settings don’t support changing the ui much.
To our great amusement, fixing the filter window size is quite easy to do on the rendered HTML size and is a simple matter of changing 3 div-width tags.
Since those HTML tags are being created in React for a “euiflex” class which seems to be quite complex and used all over, we couldn’t quite change it ourselves.

Popping the thread back up, as the kibana issue currently garnered 17 likes, this thread has 500+ views, which suggests others are interested in the issue, while autocomplete is still out of OSS due to Elastic Co. Shenanigans.
Any updates on this one? Will be willing to pick this one up ourselves with the right direction TBH
I have found an OS plug in for the matter, it hasn’t been updated since 7.1.0 however

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Indeed, this is one of the most wanted features our ODFE users complain about after migrating from Elastic XPACK.

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Hi there! Is there any hope for KQL autocomplete?

I’m also interested in this feature. Any news on it? Has anyone implemented a plugin for this? Thanks.

Those who use opendistro/opensearch must have a particularly perverse form of masochism. Without the auto-complete feature, it’s impossible to use your wonderful free and open source product. I’ll have to continue to suffer with ELK

Hey, I reopened the issue in the OpenSearch GitHub, done hastily while working so it’s not properly formatted.

You all are welcome to chime in.

hello, so no auto complete in the future? no suggestions for keywords such as AND and OR?