How to configure ODBC driver to connect to elasticsearch

I have problem to connetc to my ES cluster. When i try to connect via odbc driver i recive that error : Failed to establish connection to DB

Does using this diver require any special configuration?

My es cluster version is 7.2.0

ODBC driver configuration


I can connect via shell and use command i pasted below and it works fine
curl -XPOST https://sc-elk-005:9200/_opendistro/_sql -u ‘piotr.kacperczyk’:‘*********’ -k -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -d '{“query”: "SELECT * FROM access-control-logs-waw LIMIT 10"}’

Thanks for help.

Following changes in configuration should fix the connection issue

  1. Host: https://sc-elk-005
  2. Enable UseSSL in Advanced Options.