Hello @lehner.angelica,
At the moment we still use Elasticsearch Curator for index cleanup and started to consider to move to the Index Management. This post can be as a short guide for us.
Per documentation, in order to just cleanup old indices by wildcard we should:
Define a Policy which should delete old indices:
Kibana --> Index management Kibana --> Create policy
Policy ID:vpn-log-test-cleanup
Define policy:{ "policy": { "description": "Policy that deletes indices 'vpn-log-test' older than 30 days", "default_state": "open", "schema_version": 1, "states": [ { "name": "open", "actions": [], "transitions": [ { "state_name": "delete", "conditions": { "min_index_age": "30d" } } ] }, { "name": "delete", "actions": [ { "delete": {} } ] } ] } }
Create an Index template, to be able to attach policy to multiple indices by wildcard and attach created policy to it. It can be done via Dev Tools/Console or cURL:
Dev Tools
Create Index templatePUT _template/vpn-log-test { "index_patterns": [ "vpn-log-test-*" ], "settings": { "opendistro.index_state_management.policy_id": "vpn-log-test-cleanup" } }
Check the result
GET _template/vpn-log-test
Create Index templatecurl -X PUT http://localhost:9200/_template/vpn-log-test -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "index_patterns": [ "vpn-log-test-*" ], "settings": { "opendistro.index_state_management.policy_id": "vpn-log-test-cleanup" } }'
Get created template
curl http://localhost:9200/_template/vpn-log-test?pretty
Note: Index management policy will be attached to the indice in the moment of its creation because attachment is described in the Index template. It means that the policy will be attached to the newly index only.
1. Create a new Index
# Variables
date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
users="Alice Bob"
error="VPN connection failed"
# Log to the Elasticsearch
for user in $users; do
time=$(date +%Y-%m-%d'T'%H:%M:%S.%3N)
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-XPOST "$elasticsearch_url/$index_name/$index_type" \
-d "{\"Time\":\"$time\", \"User\":\"$user\", \"Error\":\"$error\"}"
sleep 2
2. Check if policy was attached
We see that only the indice created today (righ now) is ‘Managed by Policy’, as it was described in the note above.
3. For testing purposed we changed conditions to the 1m
"transitions": [
"state_name": "delete",
"conditions": {
"min_index_age": "1m"