Handling Products Variations and Data Connectors

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):

Describe the issue:

  1. We want to use Open search for our script to search all the products. We have products and its variations. Can anyone tell me how we can manage variation products on the search?

When someone search the parent product, I want to show all the child products of that product in the search results.

  1. The other one is, what is the data storing platform that I can use to store my products data and connect the data into the Open search. Are there any inbuilt data connectors available to check?


Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

Hi @AmilaDeshan,

  1. You can probably use a join field type for your use case: Join - OpenSearch Documentation.
  2. You can store your data on various platforms, but to index it, one option to explore is Logstash, which is a processing pipeline that supports multiple formats and plugins: Logstash - OpenSearch Documentation.

If search results are products with inner variants the nested documents is the best choice usually. The weakness of this approach is reindex separate variant - products are reindexed as whole always.
With regards to storage, usually it’s RDBMS, or Document DB like Mongo or DynamoDB. I’ve heard of Dataprepper which is build under Opensearch project, but never looked into. Most time people build index with custom code or with existing ETL tools.