Hello, is it possible to find all traces that belong to the specific service?
also, it will be good to have an ability to filter by attributes. for example we have traces from different regions in the same Elasticsearch cluster and we have below attributes for every trace:
"span.attributes.internal@span@format": "zipkin",
"span.attributes.hostname": "test-service-c5867c747-7flkj",
"span.attributes.cluster": "k8s-test-us-east-1",
"resource.attributes.env": "DEV",
"span.attributes.region": "us-east-1",
"resource.attributes.service@name": "test-service",
is it possible to find all traces that belong to the specific service? - In our next release we are launching the ability to filter by services.
The above is something that can be made possible, I have created a github issue. We will provide an update soon.
thank you @kowshikn. Is there an ETA for the next release