Filebeat service won't start

I run an AWS ElasticSearch with Kibana both Version 7.10.2. Instances logging to it run Filebeat Version 7.10.2.
The setup was working fine just the other day, then I installed the latest service software version Update on my Elasticsearch (R20220928-P2 (latest)).
Since then all instances are not able to start the filebeat service.

Error message I could find:
2023-01-18T12:48:10.202Z ERROR instance/beat.go:906 Exiting: Error importing Kibana dashboards: fail to create the Kibana loader: Error creating Kibana client: Error creating Kibana client: fail to get the Kibana version: fail to parse kibana version (): Passed version is not semver:

I can attach my filebeat.yml if required.

Hope someone has a solution for me.

setup.dashboards.enabled: false

Then you will have to import and dashboards on your own using cli. But ymmv.

That worked, I am able to start the filebeat service again.

But trying to configure the dashboards I still get the same error:

filebeat setup --dashboards
Loading dashboards (Kibana must be running and reachable)
Exiting: error connecting to Kibana: fail to get the Kibana version: fail to parse kibana version (): Passed version is not semver:

Any ideas?

Look in the package that was used to install filebeats. I had to find the json files and such for the dashboards/saved searches for audit beat then manually import them into the saved objects through the UI.