Error: Unable to completely restore the URL, be sure to use the share functionality

Hello guys.
Can you help me to figure out the problem with Share functionality.
OS and OS dashboards version 2.14.0
With the enabled function Store URLs in session storage, I got such an error:

Error: Unable to completely restore the URL, be sure to use the share functionality.
    at throwUnableToRestoreUrlError (
    at retrieveState (
    at decodeState (
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at getStatesFromOsdUrl (
    at getStateFromOsdUrl (
    at Object.get (
    at connectStorageToQueryState (
    at TopNav (

I didn’t face such an issue with version 2.2.0

Hi @StanisLav,

Do you have a Short URL enabled?


This could be caused by the URL being too long.

You might be interested in this as well: [BUG] Read only user cannot create Short URL's · Issue #891 · opensearch-project/security-dashboards-plugin · GitHub


Thanks for the swift reply.

The error above happens when I use a Short URL.

Also, I’m not a READ-Only user.

Opensearch Dashboards version 2.16.0
Store URLs in session storage is enabled.

Made a Short Url

But getting error when I follow the link. in general, the link doesn’t open my saves

Error: Unable to completely restore the URL, be sure to use the share functionality.
    at throwUnableToRestoreUrlError (
    at retrieveState (
    at decodeState (
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at getStatesFromOsdUrl (
    at getStateFromOsdUrl (
    at Object.get (
    at connectStorageToQueryState (
    at TopNav (

I did a full removal and installation of OS Dash process, but it didn’t help.
Short Url Share functionality works good in 2.9.0 version but versions 2.14-16 show error

I’m having the same issue in 2.17.1
Does anyone have a solution?

try to turn off state:storeInSessionStorage
Dashboards Management → Advanced Setting → state:storeInSessionStorage