Document Level Security fails with nested documents


I tried to set up Document Level Security on my index, which has not only regular but also nested documents, but when I try a simple search request

I get an error:

{ "error" : { "root_cause" : [ { "type" : "illegal_state_exception", "reason" : "Parent query must not match any docs besides parent filter. Combine them as must (+) and must-not (-) clauses to find a problem doc. docID=1" } ], "type" : "search_phase_execution_exception", "reason" : "all shards failed", "phase" : "query", "grouped" : true, "failed_shards" : [ { "shard" : 0, "index" : "my-index", "node" : "pWhrtIQPRdCWuw6hyeGCwQ", "reason" : { "type" : "illegal_state_exception", "reason" : "Parent query must not match any docs besides parent filter. Combine them as must (+) and must-not (-) clauses to find a problem doc. docID=1" } } ], "caused_by" : { "type" : "illegal_state_exception", "reason" : "Parent query must not match any docs besides parent filter. Combine them as must (+) and must-not (-) clauses to find a problem doc. docID=1", "caused_by" : { "type" : "illegal_state_exception", "reason" : "Parent query must not match any docs besides parent filter. Combine them as must (+) and must-not (-) clauses to find a problem doc. docID=1" } } }, "status" : 500 }

I tried it on different versions of Open Distro For Elasticsearch and OpenSearch and the error is still there.

Described the issue thoroughly on Github about 3 weeks ago, but see no reaction…

Can you confirm the issue or tell me what I’m doing wrong?


I’ve reproduced your issue in OpenDistro 1.13.2. Looks like dls doesn’t accept must_not on it’s own.
However, it will work with must.

I’ll check if there is any workaround.


Could you try below in your dsl?

  "bool": {
    "must": [
      {"exists": {
        "field": "field1"
    "must_not": [
      {"match": {
        "field1": "a"

This is just workaround and not solution.


Looks like it’s working, thanks!
So I have to add must exist clause for each field I’m using in my DLS-query if I have nested docs in my index? and this ‘must exist’ clause should separate general docs from nested, right?

I’m still interested in what really causes this bug? I checked the OpenSearch source and see it already tries to separate nested docs from general docs. See NON_NESTED_QUERY here: security/ at main · opensearch-project/security · GitHub

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