Problem with nested query

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):

Describe the issue:

I am indexing the following doc

  "patients": [ 
    {"name" : "John Doe", "age" : 56, "smoker" : true},
    {"name" : "Mary Major", "age" : 85, "smoker" : false}

with the following mapping

mapping = {
  "mappings" : {
    "properties": {
      "patients": { 
        "type" : "nested"

for this query

  "query": {
    "nested": {
      "path": "patients",
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
              "term": {
                "patients.smoker": false
              "range": {
                "patients.age": {
                  "gte": 75
response =, body=query)


{'took': 116, 'timed_out':
 False, '_shards': 
{'total': 3, 'successful': 3, 'skipped': 0, 'failed': 0}, 'hits': {'total': {'value': 1, 'relation': 'eq'}, 'max_score': 1.6931472, '
hits': [{'_index': 'test', '_id': 'U2j6iJ', 
'_score': 1.6931472, 
{'patients': [{'name': 'John Doe', 'age': 56, 'smoker': True}, 
{'name': 'Mary Major', 'age': 85, 'smoker': False}]}}]}}

I expect this query only returns

Mary Major

@ehsankf This is expected. It returns a single document.

This is a single document in the index. If you create a test index and ingest the above, the document count will be one. Therefore if the match is successful on this document you will see both John and Mary in the result.