Discover gets stuck in v2.12

Versions (OpenSearch 2.12/Dashboard 2.12/Server OS CentOS 7 /Browser Firefox v122 and Chrome Version 109.0.5414.120 (Official Build) (64-bit)):

Describe the issue:
Installed from scratch the OpenSearch v2.12. The data is ingested, dashboards are displayed but when trying to display the data in Discover using an index pattern which points to indices which contain data then I get the blank page as in the attached example.
I tried to use different versions of Discover the new and the lagacy and the issue is the same.
I spotted that the count of documents above the Discover histogram area is visible for a fraction of a second and then just a white board.

I also tried the mordern and legacy UI config. No difference.


Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

It seems that there was some issue with the index pattern itself. I recreated it and now all is back to normal.

The issue can be closed.

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