Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
Opensearch 2.16/Opensearch Dashboard 2.16
Debian Linux 12 Bookworm
Describe the issue:
We decided to try custom branding with Opensearch Dashboards following the “Custom Branding” guide. As a test, we uncommented the “logo”, defaultURL and darkmodeURL fields in the opensearchdashboard.yml file to attempt to display a custom logo. We’ve added the images into the “assets” folder as indicated in the instructions. However when we restart the Opensearch Dashboards service we receive the following error (we see these running journalctl -f):
"InvalideConfigurationError: Unknown configuration key(s): "logo", "defaultUrl", "darkModeUrl". Check for spelling errors and ensure that expected plugins are installed.\n
When we add the comment back, Opensearch Dashboards starts just fine. We haven’t modified much else and have a pretty standard install. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
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