What is the compatible version of latest Logstash version with Opensearch 2.10.0?

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
I tried different versions of logstash (8.4,0, 8.6.1,8.9.0) , but none of them is working.

but same working fine for logstash version 7.16.0

log shows

[ERROR][logstash.outputs.opensearch][my-pipeline_1][7f3703f59724b8ff34625f6f6af5e8515045256d0d72eab56c34ecb036f34d29] Could not index event to OpenSearch. {:status=>400, :action=>[“index”, {:_id=>nil, :_index=>“auditlogs-%{[yearEvent]}”, :routing=>nil}, {“log”=>{“file”=>{“path”=>“/abc/xyz.log”}}, “@timestamp”=>2023-10-18T11:39:45.955052093Z, “browser”=>“Firefox”, “username”=>“0==administrator”, “tenantID”=>“0”, “client”=>“...”, “weblink”=>“/api/account/login”, “@version”=>“1”, “user”=>“administrator”, “method”=>“POST”, “logtime”=>“14:39:45”, “jsondata”=>“{"LoginName":"administrator","Password":"","status":"success"}|", “event”=>{“original”=>"14:39:45|...|Firefox|administrator|POST|/api/account/login|{"LoginName":"administrator","Password":"****","status":"success"}|”}}], :response=>{“index”=>{“_index”=>“auditlogs-%{[yearEvent]}”, “_id”=>nil, “status”=>400, “error”=>{“type”=>“invalid_index_name_exception”, “reason”=>“Invalid index name [auditlogs-%{[yearEvent]}], must be lowercase”, “index”=>“auditlogs-%{[yearEvent]}”, “index_uuid”=>“na”}}}}

apart from this in documentation of openSearch it show

“docker pull opensearchproject/logstash-oss-with-opensearch-output-plugin:7.16.2” even for opensearch version 2.11.0

is it just the example?

@adesh28 You need to use Logstash OSS version.

Take a look at this docker repository.

Yes, I’m using the logstash oss version 7.16.2.

but i want to know whether is there any latest version of logstash oss compatible with openSearch 2.10.0 ?

@adesh28 As per the docker repository. The latest version is 8.9.0

This docker repository is maintained by opensearchproject.

This version should work with OS 2.11.0

The initially shared error doesn’t complain about compatibility.
According to that error you’re using a user called administrator. Could you confirm that?

Also please share the logstash opensearch output config, roles.yml and roles_mapping.yml.