What do you really want to see at community meetings?

I’m trying to collect some data here as best as I can as we revamp and reflavor our regular community meetings.

As of yet, it’s been pretty unstructured. Anyone who wants to bring up a topic can bring it up and we’ll toss it around until satisfied. I feel like we could be doing more.

Are there any regular things that we could include in our community meetings that might make people more interested? I’ve got a few ideas - I’ll include them below, but let me know what else!

  • “Latest ‘Help Wanted’ / ‘Good First Issue’ Issues”
  • Latest RFC
  • Feature Request of the month (maybe?)
  • Community helper award (perhaps a monthly thing where people nominate contributors to receive some recognition?)
  • Talking about other products besides OpenSearch that are directly related to the knowledge domain?

Let us know!

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