UNASSIGNED ALLOCATION_FAILED failed shard on node [t8d551UUTkKLOjukvvsKeA]: shard failure, reason [error sending files], failure CorruptIndexException[checksum failed (hardware problem?) : expected=1udzqw9 actual=1i6i2wk (resource=name [_7y8_Lu

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser): 2.1

Describe the issue: index crashing

Configuration: none

Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

UNASSIGNED ALLOCATION_FAILED failed shard on node [t8d551UUTkKLOjukvvsKeA]: shard failure, reason [error sending files], failure CorruptIndexException[checksum failed (hardware problem?) : expected=1udzqw9 actual=1i6i2wk (resource=name [_7y8_Lucene90_0.tim], length [299485807], checksum [1udzqw9], writtenBy [9.6.0]) (resource=VerifyingIndexOutput(_7y8_Lucene90_0.tim))]

I think that you need to provide more info:

  • how many nodes you have
  • deployment (self - on-prem, aws, managed)
  • what is your configuration (opensearch.yml)
  • where you store data

I have never seen this error