Unable to migrate from 0.9.0 to OpenDistro 1.2.0


I am running Opendistro 0.9.0 in Docker, and now I want to upgrade to 1.2.0.

In the container is mounted:

  • xxx:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data"
  • xxx:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/root-ca.pem"
  • xxx:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/node.pem"
  • xxx:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/node-key.pem"
  • xxx:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/admin.pem"
  • xxx:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/admin-key.pem"
  • xxx:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml"
  • xxx:/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/securityconfig/internal_users.yml"
  • xxx:/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/securityconfig/config.yml"

I am following the steps for migrating the security index detailed here:

  1. I run a backup in the 0.9.0 container:

    plugins/opendistro_security/tools/securityadmin.sh -r -cd /backup_elastic6 -icl -nhnv -cacert config/root-ca.pem -cert config/admin.pem -key config/admin-key.pem
  2. I copy the directory created outside the container with docker cp

  3. I change the data inside elasticsearch.yml, internal_users.yml and config.yml to match the 1.2.0 version

  4. I start the image with the tag 1.2.0 with the new files

  5. Copy the directory created in 1 inside the container with docker cp

  6. After Elasticsearch and Kibana are ready I migrate the data with securityadmin.sh, and I get the following error:

plugins/opendistro_security/tools/securityadmin.sh -migrate /backup_elastic6 -icl -nhnv -cacert config/root-ca.pem -cert config/admin.pem -key config/admin-key.pem
Open Distro Security Admin v7
.opendistro_security index already exists, so we do not need to create one.
Legacy index '.opendistro_security' (ES 6) detected (or forced). You should migrate the configuration!
== Migration started ==
-> Backup current configuration to /backup-elastic6
Will retrieve 'security/config' into /backup-elastic6/config.yml (legacy mode)
   SUCC: Configuration for 'config' stored in /backup-elastic6/config.yml
Will retrieve 'security/roles' into /backup-elastic6/roles.yml (legacy mode)
   SUCC: Configuration for 'roles' stored in /backup-elastic6/roles.yml
Will retrieve 'security/rolesmapping' into /backup-elastic6/roles_mapping.yml (legacy mode)
   SUCC: Configuration for 'rolesmapping' stored in /backup-elastic6/roles_mapping.yml
Will retrieve 'security/internalusers' into /backup-elastic6/internal_users.yml (legacy mode)
   SUCC: Configuration for 'internalusers' stored in /backup-elastic6/internal_users.yml
Will retrieve 'security/actiongroups' into /backup-elastic6/action_groups.yml (legacy mode)
   SUCC: Configuration for 'actiongroups' stored in /backup-elastic6/action_groups.yml
-> Migrate configuration to new format and store it here: /backup-elastic6/v7
-> Delete old .opendistro_security index
Deleted index '.opendistro_security'  done
-> Upload new configuration into Elasticsearch cluster
Will update '_doc/config' with /backup-elastic6/v7/config.yml 
   SUCC: Configuration for 'config' created or updated
Will update '_doc/roles' with /backup-elastic6/v7/roles.yml 
   SUCC: Configuration for 'roles' created or updated
Will update '_doc/rolesmapping' with /backup-elastic6/v7/roles_mapping.yml 
   SUCC: Configuration for 'rolesmapping' created or updated
Will update '_doc/internalusers' with /backup-elastic6/v7/internal_users.yml 
   SUCC: Configuration for 'internalusers' created or updated
Will update '_doc/actiongroups' with /backup-elastic6/v7/action_groups.yml 
   SUCC: Configuration for 'actiongroups' created or updated
Will update '_doc/tenants' with /backup-elastic6/v7/tenants.yml 
   SUCC: Configuration for 'tenants' created or updated
FAIL: 1 nodes reported failures. First failure is FailedNodeException[Failed node [IwyAdshWRDWJesl345z-bA]]; nested: RemoteTransportException[[elastic_service][][cluster:admin/opendistro_security/config/update[n]]]; nested: NotSerializableExceptionWrapper[static_resource_exception: Cannot override static roles];
FAIL: Expected 1 nodes to return response, but got 0
Done with failures
  ERR: unable to upload

I have found this issue reported here: https://github.com/opendistro-for-elasticsearch/security/issues/87.

I have tried to remove the standard roles in backup_elastic6/roles_2019_....yml and start again, but when I run the migrate command, it creates a file inside backup_elastic6/v7 with the standard roles, so the same error is raised.

If I ignore the error and try to restart the container, I get this error continuously:

[2019-11-26T16:35:07,371][ERROR][c.a.o.s.a.BackendRegistry] [elastic_service] Not yet initialized (you may need to run securityadmin)
[2019-11-26T16:35:08,017][ERROR][c.a.o.s.c.ConfigurationRepository] [elastic_service] com.amazon.opendistroforelasticsearch.security.securityconf.DynamicConfigFactory@2aa1f69d listener errored: StaticResourceException[Cannot override static roles]
com.amazon.opendistroforelasticsearch.security.configuration.StaticResourceException: Cannot override static roles
	at com.amazon.opendistroforelasticsearch.security.securityconf.DynamicConfigFactory.onChange(DynamicConfigFactory.java:130) ~[opendistro_security-]
	at com.amazon.opendistroforelasticsearch.security.configuration.ConfigurationRepository.notifyAboutChanges(ConfigurationRepository.java:308) [opendistro_security-]
	at com.amazon.opendistroforelasticsearch.security.configuration.ConfigurationRepository.reloadConfiguration0(ConfigurationRepository.java:297) [opendistro_security-]
	at com.amazon.opendistroforelasticsearch.security.configuration.ConfigurationRepository.reloadConfiguration(ConfigurationRepository.java:280) [opendistro_security-]
	at com.amazon.opendistroforelasticsearch.security.configuration.ConfigurationRepository$1.run(ConfigurationRepository.java:197) [opendistro_security-]
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834) [?:?]

I think I am missing something but I am lost.

If I run Opendistro 1.2 without migrations everything run correctly

If you have migrated the data before, can you tell me what are the differences? or how to proceed?

Thank you

@jjmerchante Did you get this resolved?

I think I was not able to migrate the data that way and I had to export the data using the API and import it after migration.

It is 1.5 years old and if no one has this error it can be marked as resolved.