Hello, I am using the latest version of OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards. My goal is to check if each document indexed in a specified index pattern matches a specific field, and if it does, send an alert to a custom webhook.
I configured the monitor as follows:
My query is:
“description”: “”,
“queries”: [
“id”: “4a4d4a18-8776-4564-a43f-dcc699d29c04”,
“name”: “Detect_alert”,
“fields”: ,
“query”: “EventType:"alert"”,
“tags”: ,
My trigger condition is:
And as an action I sent an alert to a custom webhook with the message:
“test” : “test”
All good so far. I am receiving the POST requests correctly on my custom webhook for every document that meets the conditions. However, I would like to include some data from each document, such as the fields [“Message”, “DeviceId”, etc.], in the message sent to the webhook. Observing the Trigger Info results, I noticed that the results only contain the document’s id along with its index.
“results”: [
“4a4d4a18-8776-4564-a43f-dcc699d29c04”: [
Is there a way to include the document information and use their fields to send additional data to my webhook?
For example, send a message like:
"Alert on ":{{$query_id.$document_that_trieggered_the_alert.DeviceId}}
I apologize if this issue has already been addressed. If so, could you please direct me to the previous solutions?
Thank you!