Versions and technical info:
- OpenSearch: v 2.11.0
- Browser: Firefox
- Webhook: Teams
Describe the issue:
Hi everyone,
I’m trying to create some alerts when there are some new documents in an index, I finally could create the alerts, but I’m struggling with the alert message.
My monitors are Per document monitor type and the monitor defining method is Visual editor, I added some querys (all of them find a match in a field called eventName), and for the message in the trigger I’ve got this, which is not working properly:
- id: {{id}}
- finding_ids: {{finding_ids}}
- related_doc_ids: {{related_doc_ids}}
- name: {{name}}
- eventName: {{_source.eventName}}
ERROR: {{ctx.error}}
All I want is to see is the query that is activating the monitor, because I’ve got more than one. I mean, I want to see in the message if the eventName that triggered the alert was X or Y.
Thanks in advance.