I know that I should config the roles of node as blank list for building coordinating node.
By the way, I found that there is “coorinating_only” role in OpenSearch.
When I config “coordinating_only” role in OpenSearch node, It works as same as blank role.
Then, I wonder why “coordinating_only” role exists in OpenSearch although we can create coordinating role with blank role.
This would be a perfect issue and/or comment in the github repo for the core opensearch component. The developers are usually able to justify their decision making with great precision.
If I were to wager a guess, I would say it would be to prevent accidental replication and segmentation in case a node gets brought up on accident. If a node were to get brought up as a data node and start acting as a replica and/or start hosting segments of an index, it may not be intended and might even degrade the performance of a cluster. Setting the default role to coordinating only might be a safety measure.