Strong search engine in opendistro

Hi all,

I’m trying to build a powerful search engine bar in my opendistro project which fetches data from datbase and displays results.

Any feature or plugin that is there in opendistro that we can use?

Hi @sandy381 -

This is a somewhat open ended question with lots of unknowns. If you could narrow down what you’re hoping to accomplish specifically, that might help. For now, here’s what I think you’re asking about -

There’s no direct plugin that just automagically makes a search bar that you can embed on your site. There’s some amount of assembly required - adding the form and javascript/backend code that takes the text from your users and queries OpenSearch for results using a client. And then further parsing those results to display the meaningful pieces to the user.

There are lots of choices for the programming language you can use to interact with OpenSearch. Check out some of the more popular options here: Compatibility - OpenSearch documentation

Let’s try to narrow the problem down a bit to see if I can answer your question with greater specificity.


There is FESS for Enterprise search server which handles document search & code search.

But I was looking something from Opensearch. If not available , have to go with FESS.