I want to use embedded dashboard in external website and for that I want to set SameSite cokie attribute to NONE.
I found equivalent of this in Elastic ELK using xpack but not for open distro version.
Can somebody help here?
I want to use embedded dashboard in external website and for that I want to set SameSite cokie attribute to NONE.
I found equivalent of this in Elastic ELK using xpack but not for open distro version.
Can somebody help here?
based on [1], you have to add
opendistro_security.cookie.sameSite: "None"
to your kibana.yml
[1] security-kibana-plugin/index.ts at main · opendistro-for-elasticsearch/security-kibana-plugin · GitHub
@clsa - Thank you so much.
I am facing “Invalid RequestId” problem when having SSO (SAML) and embedded in iFrame.
I think it’s because of the cookie issue and hopefully it will solve this problem.
The setting is actually:
opendistro_security.cookie.isSameSite: “None”
It needs to be used on conjunction with:
opendistro_security.cookie.secure: true
@hansman, Yes it’s working with these configs. Thank you so much.
For me am using the Kibana OSS 7.10.2 the above configuration setting are not working to load the Kibana GUI with in the iframe of another site