Reporting feature doesn't work

we have multiple dashboard (kibana) instances on one host, thus we use custom kibana index for each instance. when we enable reporting feature, it cannot get the report, from the Kibana(dashboard) log, we found the following error.
it seems the reporting app cannot find the object ID, but we’re sure the ID is there. I’m not sure if the kibana index is hardcode or not(support custom kibana index or not).

Any suggestion to fix it?

{“type”:“log”,“@timestamp”:“2022-05-18T00:12:19Z”,“tags”:[“error”,“plugins”,“reportsDashboards”],“pid”:27515,“message”:“Failed input validation for create report Error: saved object with id search:584fbe90-b69b-11ec-9dde-49e9af0299cd does not exist”}

I use opensearch-dashboard v1.2.4.

it is because the reporting feature always use the default kibana index .kibana, can the reporting feature support custom kibana index, it is already in the dashboard(kibana) configure, it’s kibana.index: .kibana_xxxx

@jockjiang Addressing this issue on github. [FEATURE]support custom dashbaord(kibana) index. · Issue #364 · opensearch-project/dashboards-reports · GitHub

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