Hello, I have ran replication and want to edit some settings.
I would like to set smth like this: (I found that in elastic.co docs and not in opensearch documentation)
ccr.indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec - Defaults to 40mb/s
This setting impacts only requests sent to the remote cluster.
If the inbound request is compressed, Elasticsearch compresses the response. The setting options are true, indexing_data, and false. If unset, the global transport.compress is used as the fallback setting.
This setting impacts only requests sent to the remote cluster. If an inbound request is compressed, Elasticsearch compresses the response using the same compression scheme. The setting options are deflate and lz4. If unset, the global transport.compression_scheme is used as the fallback setting.
Have you documented that somewhere?
And commands for configuration are like this?
Put configuration
PUT _cluster/settings
{“persistent”: {“cluster”: {“remote”: {“cluster_on-aws”:
{“mode”: “sniff”,“seeds”: [“”],“transport.compress”: true,“skip_unavailable”: true}
Delete configuration:
PUT _cluster/settings
{“persistent”: {“cluster”: {“remote”: {“cluster_two”:
{“mode”: null,“seeds”: null,“skip_unavailable”: null,“transport.compress”: null}
Thanks very much!