OpenSearchDashboards not show nanoseconds


In Kubernetes clusters we have components, which can generate huge amount of log records per one second. Showing nanoseconds (or fractional seconds) is crucial for us.

Even I set use “Date nanos” format for “@timestamp” field, OSDash show it with zeros.

When I get raw data from OpenSearch, I can see, that “@timestamp” field include correct value (time with nanoseconds).

(as a new user I am not able to upload more screenshots)

With these “zero nanoseconds” it isnt possible to correctly order records from component, which generated more like thousands records per one second. I mean, that we have necessary granularity, but we are not able to show it correctly.

I would like to ask you to help me get closer, what we have set wrong?

Many thanks!


Meantime I was success to solve this problem, but to anybody, who have same problem, like me:

check index template


and change type to date_nanos, looks like:


Hope that help, cheers!

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