Would you like to present? Tag @kris@dtaivpp@nateynate and we’ll work to get you added to the agenda!
Feel free to comment on this agenda before the meeting if you want to add an item or have a question.
After the meeting, we will post the chat log and any meeting notes. We welcome you to keep the conversation going here on the forum.
======== By joining the OpenSearch Community Meeting, you grant OpenSearch, and our affiliates the right to record, film, photograph, and capture your voice and image during the OpenSearch Community Meeting (the “Recordings”). You grant to us an irrevocable, nonexclusive, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free right and license to use, reproduce, modify, distribute, and translate, for any purpose, all or any part of the Recordings and Your Materials. For example, we may distribute Recordings or snippets of Recordings via our social media outlets.
14:56:28 From Joshua Bright To Everyone:
Yang DB!
15:00:39 From Kris Freedain To Everyone:
Hello Everyone - we’ll get going in just a couple minutes
15:01:44 From Joshua Bright To Everyone:
15:05:12 From Kris Freedain To Everyone:
Register for OpenSearchCon!!! https://opensearchcon2023.splashthat.com/
15:05:32 From Kris Freedain To Everyone:
Book your hotel room!! OpenSearchCon 2023 - Start your reservation
15:06:16 From Kris Freedain To Everyone:
Check out the sessions!!! OpenSearchCon 2023 Session Lineup · OpenSearch
15:06:29 From Kris Freedain To Everyone:
And our fantastic speakers!!! Meet the OpenSearchCon 2023 Speakers · OpenSearch
15:16:20 From Samuel Herman To Everyone:
Is there any documentation that provides more background on the correlation engine work?
15:17:56 From Xenia Tupitsyna To Everyone:
This might be a starting point: Correlating security events across different log sources · OpenSearch
15:18:48 From Samuel Herman To Everyone:
Thank you!
15:21:29 From Aparna Sundar To Everyone: User feedback on security analytics updates
15:21:40 From Aparna Sundar To Everyone: UserZoom - Participant Experience
15:23:52 From Aparna Sundar To Everyone: opensearchresearch@amazon.com
15:28:27 From Xenia Tupitsyna To Everyone: Slack workspace · OpenSearch
15:29:14 From Samuel Herman To Everyone:
Question regarding the correlation engine described earlier, in particular about score calculation
15:29:49 From Nathan Boot To Everyone:
Looking forward to your opensearchcon talk.
15:32:41 From Aparna Sundar To Everyone:
Thank you
15:32:44 From Amitai Stern To Everyone:
15:32:46 From Samuel Herman To Everyone:
Thank you
15:32:49 From Xenia Tupitsyna To Everyone:
Thank you!
15:41:36 From Jimish Shah (AWS) To Everyone:
Replying to “Thank you”
Thanks for your question Samuel. Ive asked my engineering team to answer your question around correlation score and underlying algorithm in the “security-analytics” channel in the OpenSearch Slack workspace. https://opensearch.org/slack.html
15:42:25 From Samuel Herman To Everyone:
Replying to “Thank you”
Awesome thank you! I will try to setup the slack on my laptop, hopefully corporate now allows me to do so
15:43:18 From Kris Freedain To Everyone: GitHub - opensearch-project/opensearch-catalog: The OpenSearch Catalog is designed to make it easier for developers and community to contribute, search and install artifacts like plugins, visualization dashboards, ingestion to visualization content packs (data pipeline configurations, normalization, ingestion, dashboards).
15:44:20 From Austin Lee To Everyone:
So, it’s kind of like Eclipse Marketplace? Search & download & install?
15:45:54 From Joshua Bright To Everyone:
15:52:49 From Kris Freedain To Everyone:
Everyone should register for OpenSearchCon!!! https://opensearchcon2023.splashthat.com/
15:53:23 From Amitai Stern To Everyone:
15:53:31 From Austin Lee To Everyone:
15:53:44 From Charlotte (CEHENKLE) To Everyone:
15:54:03 From James McIntyre To Everyone:
Reacted to “” with
15:54:37 From Charlotte (CEHENKLE) To Everyone:
15:55:17 From David Tippett To Everyone: Twitch
15:56:44 From Joshua Bright To Everyone:
15:57:01 From Kris Freedain To Everyone:
Thanks everyone!!!
15:57:08 From Samuel Herman To Everyone:
Thank you all
15:57:10 From Andriy Redko To Everyone:
Thanks a lot folks!
15:57:14 From Amitai Stern To Everyone:
All good! Thanks Nathan
15:57:29 From Charlotte (CEHENKLE) To Everyone:
Well, now I want to unregister just to see that
15:57:46 From Andriy Redko To Everyone:
15:57:53 From Charlotte (CEHENKLE) To Everyone:
Thanks folks!