Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
Version: 2.11.1
Describe the issue:
Opensearch is running in a Docker container. It can be reached at port 9200 and the dashboard is also online.
I am able to get the status of the cluster with: curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty
However, I am not able to get OpenSearch Benchmark to run. When I try, I get this error:
[ERROR] Cannot execute-test. Error in worker_coordinator (OpenSearch REST API layer is not available.)
[INFO] FAILURE (took 9736 seconds)
The command used to run OpenSearch Dashboard is:
opensearch-benchmark execute-test --target-hosts http://x.x.x.x:9200 --pipeline benchmark-only --workload http_logs --test-mode --distribution-version 2.11.1
I’m not sure why it would be complaining that the API is not available if both the curl commands and the dashboard are working.