Opensearch 2.18.0 is not compatible with prometheus exporter 2.17.1

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):

Opensearch 2.18.0

Describe the issue:
I’m trying to integrate prometheus exporter 2.17.1 but my pods are not coming up with
below errors,
Failed to install opensearch- prometheus-exporter plugin

Could you please confirm whether 2.18.0 opesearch version is compatible with
Prometheus exporter plugin

Hi @Maha! I’m pretty sure that the version of the exporter and the version of opensearch have to match. There’s a compatibility matrix on the Aiven github here: GitHub - Aiven-Open/prometheus-exporter-plugin-for-opensearch: Prometheus exporter plugin for OpenSearch & OpenSearch Mixin

Hope that helps!

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