So i got ELK stack v7.3 which was released yesterday and ES came without xpack security which i really didnt mind. But now im on kibana trying to create a monitor but when im trying to select which data to show i get nothing, i tried both the graph visualization and query. at first i thought there was no data but there are logs and i can see them in the discover tab, i can clearly go thru all my logs, but why isnt any of them showing up in the monitor?
i cant even create triggers, webhooks/destinations or even monitors for some reason??
Like asikarwar pointed out, you need both the kibana alerting and alerting plugins installed. One is for Kibana and the other is for Elasticsearch. Do you have both of these installed?
Yes. Figured it out later. Thanks to you & @asikarwar. Now the alerting plugin is working fine. But facing issues while installing the security plugin.
We have ES (w/o OSS) & Kibana installed and trying to install ODFE plugins on top of it. Alerting plugin seems to be working fine.
Do we need to have OSS Elasticsearch for the security plugin to work?