Need Help Installing OpenSearch on Server Without Security Pack and DNS Configuration

I’m trying to install OpenSearch on my server, but I want to do so without the security plugin and without configuring any DNS details, as I don’t have a domain or DNS setup.

I followed the official OpenSearch installation guide for Debian (Debian - OpenSearch Documentation), but I encountered issues during the installation process, and it doesn’t seem to install properly.

Here are some specific points I need help with:

  1. Installing OpenSearch without the security plugin: I don’t need the security features or SSL configurations (as I am setting up OpenSearch in a local environment for testing purposes).

  2. No DNS or domain setup: Since I don’t have any DNS details or domain names, I’m setting up OpenSearch as a standalone node. How can I configure it without needing DNS settings or domain names?

  3. Installation issues: After following the installation guide, I faced some errors, and OpenSearch didn’t start as expected. I’d appreciate guidance on how to troubleshoot and resolve the installation problem.

Can anyone help me with a step-by-step guide or suggestions on how to install OpenSearch in this specific setup?

@Fenil Did you resolve your issues?
You can use IP addresses instead of DNS.

How did you deploy your cluster?

What errors did you experience?