Monitor history doesn't show past triggers or acknowledgements

OpenSearch 2.4.1 (docker hub image)
OpenSearch dashboards 2.4.1 (docker hub image)
Browser: firefox 108.0.1, edge 108.0.1462.54

The monitor history shows the green “no alerts” bar for the chosen timeframe while there have been triggers and acknowledgements in that timeframe. Is this by design or is something wrong with my setup?


   "name": "Outlook service status",
   "type": "monitor",
   "monitor_type": "query_level_monitor",
   "enabled": false,
   "schedule": {
      "period": {
         "unit": "MINUTES",
         "interval": 1
   "inputs": [
         "search": {
            "indices": [
            "query": {
               "size": 0,
               "aggregations": {},
               "query": {
                  "bool": {
                     "filter": [
                           "range": {
                              "@timestamp": {
                                 "gte": "{{period_end}}||-3m",
                                 "lte": "{{period_end}}",
                                 "format": "epoch_millis"
                           "query_string": {
                              "query": "*OUTLOOK*",
                              "default_field": ""
   "triggers": [
         "query_level_trigger": {
            "id": "7T9gfIUBB0aKSVo3-pUv",
            "name": "Outlook service is offline",
            "severity": "1",
            "condition": {
               "script": {
                  "source": "ctx.results[0] < 1",
                  "lang": "painless"
            "actions": [
                  "id": "7j9gfIUBB0aKSVo3-pUw",
                  "name": "Mail alert",
                  "destination_id": "UPZNfIUBzA9Hl0abJhmB",
                  "message_template": {
                     "source": "Monitor {{}} just entered alert status. Please investigate the issue.\n  - Trigger: {{}}\n  - Severity: {{ctx.trigger.severity}}\n  - Period start: {{ctx.periodStart}}\n  - Period end: {{ctx.periodEnd}}",
                     "lang": "mustache"
                  "throttle_enabled": false,
                  "subject_template": {
                     "source": "Outlook service status alert",
                     "lang": "mustache"
   "ui_metadata": {
      "schedule": {
         "timezone": null,
         "frequency": "interval",
         "period": {
            "unit": "MINUTES",
            "interval": 1
         "daily": 0,
         "weekly": {
            "tue": false,
            "wed": false,
            "thur": false,
            "sat": false,
            "fri": false,
            "mon": false,
            "sun": false
         "monthly": {
            "type": "day",
            "day": 1
         "cronExpression": "0 */1 * * *"
      "monitor_type": "query_level_monitor",
      "search": {
         "searchType": "graph",
         "timeField": "@timestamp",
         "aggregations": [],
         "groupBy": [],
         "bucketValue": 3,
         "bucketUnitOfTime": "m",
         "where": {
            "fieldName": [
                  "label": "",
                  "type": "text"
            "fieldRangeEnd": 0,
            "fieldRangeStart": 0,
            "fieldValue": "OUTLOOK",
            "operator": "contains"

Relevant Logs or Screenshots:
Refreshing the monitor after the service has returned to normal erases the history of triggers and acknowledgements.

We have the same issue, how can one resolve this issue ?

I think the issue was solved in version 2.8. It is definitely fixed for us in version 2.14.