Alert window seems to have a bug and only shows last alert

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
OpenSearch 2.4.1 (docker hub image)
OpenSearch dashboards 2.4.1 (docker hub image)
Browser: firefox 108.0.1, edge 108.0.1462.54

Describe the issue:
The alert window only shows the last alert and hides the historic alerts. After selecting a different number of rows per page twice, it updates and shows the full alert history. Is this a known bug or not and do I have to report this somewhere else but here?


   "name": "Outlook service status",
   "type": "monitor",
   "monitor_type": "query_level_monitor",
   "enabled": false,
   "schedule": {
      "period": {
         "unit": "MINUTES",
         "interval": 1
   "inputs": [
         "search": {
            "indices": [
            "query": {
               "size": 0,
               "aggregations": {},
               "query": {
                  "bool": {
                     "filter": [
                           "range": {
                              "@timestamp": {
                                 "gte": "{{period_end}}||-3m",
                                 "lte": "{{period_end}}",
                                 "format": "epoch_millis"
                           "query_string": {
                              "query": "*OUTLOOK*",
                              "default_field": ""
   "triggers": [
         "query_level_trigger": {
            "id": "7T9gfIUBB0aKSVo3-pUv",
            "name": "Outlook service is offline",
            "severity": "1",
            "condition": {
               "script": {
                  "source": "ctx.results[0] < 1",
                  "lang": "painless"
            "actions": [
                  "id": "7j9gfIUBB0aKSVo3-pUw",
                  "name": "Mail alert",
                  "destination_id": "UPZNfIUBzA9Hl0abJhmB",
                  "message_template": {
                     "source": "Monitor {{}} just entered alert status. Please investigate the issue.\n  - Trigger: {{}}\n  - Severity: {{ctx.trigger.severity}}\n  - Period start: {{ctx.periodStart}}\n  - Period end: {{ctx.periodEnd}}",
                     "lang": "mustache"
                  "throttle_enabled": false,
                  "subject_template": {
                     "source": "Outlook service status alert",
                     "lang": "mustache"
   "ui_metadata": {
      "schedule": {
         "timezone": null,
         "frequency": "interval",
         "period": {
            "unit": "MINUTES",
            "interval": 1
         "daily": 0,
         "weekly": {
            "tue": false,
            "wed": false,
            "thur": false,
            "sat": false,
            "fri": false,
            "mon": false,
            "sun": false
         "monthly": {
            "type": "day",
            "day": 1
         "cronExpression": "0 */1 * * *"
      "monitor_type": "query_level_monitor",
      "search": {
         "searchType": "graph",
         "timeField": "@timestamp",
         "aggregations": [],
         "groupBy": [],
         "bucketValue": 3,
         "bucketUnitOfTime": "m",
         "where": {
            "fieldName": [
                  "label": "",
                  "type": "text"
            "fieldRangeEnd": 0,
            "fieldRangeStart": 0,
            "fieldValue": "OUTLOOK",
            "operator": "contains"

Relevant Logs or Screenshots:
Only after selecting “rows per page: 20” twice, the full alert history is shown.